Considering a career change? I have a (stupid) suggestion for you…

Considering a career change? Are you a parent? May I suggest that you may already have all the essential criteria to be an outstanding and upstanding member of the policeforce, (go with it…) Now assuming that the beautiful law enforcement officers of the UK are blissfully unaware of that one (ahem) time you dabbled with […]

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A *FUN* morning

      Easter holiday FUN Today you are going to be FUN. You are going to soft play today. Course you don’t want to, but you want to be FUN today so you take your 3 under 5’s to soft play this morning. They are SO excited that they chant ’soooft play, soooft play’ […]

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  Today I’m talking anal. I’m talking anal retentiveness. That kind of anal. It is a well known fact (in my household) that the more you like to control situations, the harder you find it to parent. Some people like to parent as a dictator, think Kim Jong-un, Hitler, Mugabe, Gina Ford. Some people take […]

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The Characters at Play

When we play, we are more like our children than we know. Here are the universal characters that pop up at both the playgroup and the pub. The Crier Kid version- Sobbing is her middle name. So in tune with her emotions that even happy things, like fluffy bunnies and colourful rainbows, mean that tears […]

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Not helpful.

Question- Why did I leave my baby to cry? Short answer- So I could take a dump. Long answer- Shall I tell you something that is NOT helpful? It’s when you ask someone how to do something, only to be told a million ways how NOT to do it. For example: Q- How do I […]

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My Love Letter

    To my beautiful, strong, inspiring and remarkable friends, I don’t tell you as often as I should as you would assume that I was drunkenly professing love for you (again) but I totally heart you, Happy Valentines day. Here is my excuse to confess my heady, grateful love for you that will stand […]

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Problems with being an Instamum Thought I’d share with you a little cycle that happens in my life approximately once every other month. Lets call it the ‘I want to be a radiant, healthy, smug, yoga loving mum’ cycle. I will have indulged in some misspent minutes (hours) pouring over pictures on instagram of ultra […]

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How Kids Are Better Than You

Children are infinitely better than you. Yes, I know, they are irrational mini hooligans led by their mini ego’s and tiny tummies. But in this list, I’m gonna cut them some slack. Here is how toddlers make up in morales what they lack in stature. Until a certain age they can’t lie. Its a short […]

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Extreme Parenting

  From one extreme to another It has come to my attention that motherhood is somewhat of an emotional journey (yeah I know, bit late to the party). And it goes from one end of the emotional spectrum to another. Put it this way- I either LOVE my kids (look how cute they are, their […]

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If MP’s were Mini People

Ever thought about the laws that kids would pass if they had the chance? Me neither until today. I was negotiating meal time politics for the umpteenth time and it suddenly struck me that MPs (Mini People) are pretty political in their own little way. So how do their views differ from Members of Parliament? […]

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